Wednesday, October 1, 2014

September 14

Ember started preschool (Joy school) shes goes once a week, i stay with her,  she does great! it is really good for her :)  she is a little young for it but does great still

grandma Annie came down for a visit and we had a blast!!!!   We ate and ate and ate and played and shopped,   so much fun!

Went to Babes chicken,  it was yummy :)

Dax rolled over for the first time!!!!

also he cried a lot

But also he is super crazy cute!!!

The apartment complex did an Ice bucket challenge and dumped a bunch of ice in the pool,  like 1000 lbs of ice and then they dumped ice water on their heads then jumped in,  it was super cute

I love this kid

Also this kid,  she is full of drama,  im not sure what she was sad over but we were trying to get the boys to school in the morning and she was super upset about something,  im pretty sure she forgot about them too


so much love

Wil got a new hoodie

we went to the beach

pressing pause

Boom September!!!!   

also we put an offer on a house on the last day of september and they accepted it!!!!!!!!
soooooo if all of the legal financial crap works out we might be in a house by the end of the year!!!!  holy crap balls....... crazy