Wednesday, October 1, 2014

August 14

Dax started smiling!!

Wil kneed himself in the face after Nick tossed him on our bed and he got a black eye... a bad one

Daxy smiled more

and more!!! 

We went to the splash park for my birthday!!!!

I turned 30 this year........ yikes

and we went to Fuzzys tacos for lunch (its not that great)

put some purple in Embers hair :)

we had a good time with foils

i didnt leave it in for very long.... i was a scaredy

dang shes pretty though,  shes my favorite girl

Cooper met his teacher!

And Wil met his teacher

this kid....... excited for school

my kiddos on the first day of school :)

Kindergarten!!!!  5 years old!!!!!

2nd grade!!!!  wowza  7 years old ::)

i lost 10 lbs!!!!  (have since gained it back......... dieting is hard lol)

Emnber carried around this picture of her with her brothers all day while they were gone the first day of school lol.......  it was precious and of course i egged it on a bit..... i do that