Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This IS going to happen!

Status as of right now..... no potty in the chair..... we got potty on the floor of the bathroom, have gone through 2 pairs of undies..... its soooo close..... now we are watchin Bolt. this IS going to happen!!!!!
maybe...... if not today, then tomorrow, if not tomorrow...... then I will eat the entire bag of m&m's and we will pick up in a few weeks.... lol


Alyson said...

I know potty training is so hard! My advice is just keep going. No matter how much you want to give up. Keep going!

~*~The McCoy's~*~ said...

good luck! we quit for a few weeks b/c it was hard and i got lazy. we are starting again now, but he's like a cat and likes to pee on anything on the floor