My poor Tango walks around shivering all day long lately and the past few days he has decided that he's not gonna go to the bathroom outside anymore that it is too cold and that he would rather take the punishment of sittin in his kennel and gettin smacked in his stinkin dog face than go to the bathroom outside. i half dont blame him but im real tired of dog business all over my stuff. I pulled out one of his old sweaters to send him outside in but he still has no interest, he will run out to where he normally goes then turn right back around and stare at me through the door and shake lol.
In the background you can see Wil with his silly haircut. Oh boy was that a fun story. I took him to a random salon last week to get his hair cut by someone who knows what they are doing better than me and it was a disaster. He screamed uncontrolably the whole time. No amount of hair covered suckers could solve his problem either. I'm not sure why he was so scared. he wouldnt even let the lady put the bib thing on him he screamed and tried to rip it off. Sitting on my lap didnt help either. I could do nothing but laugh. By the end we were both covered in sucker stick and hair pieces, i have the kid in a headlock the lady was holding his shoulders down so she could get his neck and we called it quits.
Ever since we got rid of the binki his ability to cope with anything has gone away, he is completely irrational alot during the day and the bigger i get the smaller my ability to handle it is lol. im really really hoping that he will get over this quick. we've come too far to go back to the binki. He has real issues at night, not falling asleep initially, thats fine but if he happens to wake up in the middle of the night like rolling over or whatnot he can't fall back asleep and then gets really irrational, throwing a fit and screaming and smashing his feet into the walls and ridiculous tantrum, he doesnt want you to touch him or be held if i pick him up he fights to get down then climbs back into bed and proceeds to freak out. ... sigh... i know what would fix it but i cant use it... so im not sure what else to do to help him, a drink of water doesnt help, sometimes i can sing to him and he will go back to sleep other times that doesnt even work... i feel so bad, my heart breaks :( my sweet boy never acted like this before, im worried im damaging his psychie. But then its only been 2 weeks, give it time right? Good news is that in just the past few weeks since there has been no binki his teeth are starting to move back already, pretty amazing, his bite is better, and the gap in his teeth is a little better too.
Slow Start
1 week ago
It is way too cold out here! We're freezing! Poor Wil. Our kids liked to have a sippy in bed with them after we took their binkis away. Maybe if you put him to bed with one full of water it would help?
Poor Wil! Maybe it's just the age because Maya has been acting mental throwing horrible tantrums and what not lately too. Hopefully it'll pass soon, fingers crossed, for the both of us!
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