Thursday, September 18, 2008

wil update

My brother called to talk to Wil the other day, they have funny conversations where they sing old mcdonald back and forth to each other, wil sings "EiEiEIEiEi OOOOo" and make animal noises so i though this video would be good to post and share a Wil update, he is about 16 1/2 months old. He is such a smart kid, talks like crazy i hae to watch what i say around him. He knows tons of animals and animal noises now, cat bear pig horse sheep etc. he sings old mc donald and picks different animals for each verse lol, but mostly he says Cow. loves itsy bitsy spider and If your happy and you know it. he can count! sort of i hold my fingers up and he says "Two Two two two TWO!!" and points to em all. He colors amazingly and can pick out the color Blue "Boo" Purple "puprrr" orange "ench" He knows the signs for milk and more but now says it while he signs it, come up to me and says more pweeese. and then says thank you "kak ooo" finally last week he started calling me mommy. He said dad, daddy dada just fine but called me Boppy....... boppy?? i dunno, sorta cute but kinda sad. now he calls me mommy or Mom! when hes mad at me. long list of wil words mommy daddy baby wil, grandma "Graaaaaaam" grandpa "graaaaapppa" rachel "Chel", juice, more, please "pweese" thankyou "kak oo" book, toy, tv "TB" mouse, hot, blankie, bink, nigh night, prayer

ugh i cant remember more.... i shoulda done a post like this months ago lol. We do a story time at the libabry twice a week where he has learned a bunch of new songs and will sit and read forever afterward.


Heidi said...

Oh my goodness Elise! I can't believe he has gotten so big!! You are such a good mommy for remembering all those words! It seems like you are so good with him and I know Nick is as well! I miss you guys and wish we could all chill together, but everyone is growing up and having their own lives! Ah well, it happens....take care
Luv you!

Megan said...

He is getting So BIG!! The other day Seth was looking at a post of your house pictures - or maybe on facebook? But he said Wil looked exactly like him and was he is SO cute! :) Seth totally called himself Cute.but since he is, that's okay. Sounds like he is talking TONS! That is awesome he knows so many words and likes songs. My neice Olivia (26 months) gets pretty mad at her dad (my brother Ben) when he gets in the way of her movie or book or anything and will scream "BEN!" to get his attention. It is hilarious, b/c she calls him dad all the other times, but will seriously use his first name when she means business. (I'm sure she's gotten that from her mom who does the same when she is angry at him) hilarious though - Little toddlers are oh so fun.

I hope you're feeling well and the pregnancy is going smoothly, we're thinking about you guys and always wish we were closer.

Amanda J said...

He is so cute!! That's funny that he called you boppy. Mine just try to say "Amanda".