Monday, September 29, 2008


I have a doctors appt with my new doctor tomorrow afternoon, routinely they do ultrasounds at the first appt (at around 8 weeks) but its not a big full diagnostic ultrasound that they send u to the hospital radiology dept for.. so they might do an ultrasound tomorrow...... maybe, noone seems to know for sure, or i might have to wait till later in the week (since im due for my ultrasound anyways) to find out what the heck kind of alien is inside me lol.
if i was at my old doctors still i woulda had my ultrasound on friday and be buying new pretty clean baby clothes today.... ugh so who knows lol


Janee said...

Dude let us know when you find out! I can't believe you're that far along already!

Amanda J said...

Did they put off the ultrasound where you find out what you're having?