Thursday, September 18, 2008

My little Gentleman

Tango got his haircut yesterday :) it was a little expensive so i figured for all my time and money i put into this dog he needed to be broadcast on the blog lol. Ignore nick in the background, he was on the phone. how rude to talk on the phone while someone is taking a video

We took a trip to chicago last weekend, my parents live in wisconsin and chicago is almost right in the middle of us So we thought we would hang out with them on saturday and come home saturday night, hit a temple session and spend the rest of the day doing something fun, like shed aquarium.

not with our luck, no way lol

it rained and rained and rained. record rain fall in the chicago area last weekend. 9 inches!!! most of the streets were blocked off lol. Sooooo we went up friday night and spent the night in a hotel, my parents were supposed to make it there saturday morning for like a 9am session or as early as we could get in. but it was raining so bad they didnt even get there till about 10, so we sat in the room and waited. Of course i forgot a white dress shirt for nick and he had to have one so he trecked down the road to khols whose parking lot was flooded,. much like all the streets, he didnt want to walk around in wet shoes all day and there was like 4 inches of standing water in the parking lot so he took off his socks and shoes to walk into Kohls lol. by the time we got to the temple it was about 11. got somewhere for lunch at about 2..... took our time eating cuz the dumb museums close at 4....... then headed home.... lol, took us an extra hour to get home because 96 was closed in indiana because all the lanes were flooded lol. comical, i have never seen so much rain in my life.. i think i must have broke a mirror or something during our move cuz the hits just keep on coming. lol this is one of the only pictures i got of our trip.... scenic huh


Megan said...

Tango is so Cute!!! I want a dog so bad, I think it was worth the money and definitely worthy to post!!