Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I didnt get tagged but I thought it was cute, so i filled one out :)
What are your names? Nicholas Cooper Blaine and Elise Marie Blaine
How long have you been together? Married about 2 1/2 years
How long did you date? uhm 3 months then he proposed, then a 6mo engagement, so 9 months total?? lol
How old is he? 29... wow :)
Who eats more? I eat all the time... prolly why i still have all this baby weight :)
Who said I love you first? is it bad if I dont know the answer to that question?
Who is taller? Nick, by like 1/2 inch,
Who sings better? Hands down Nick,
Who is smarter? Nick, he's been around longer?
Whose temper is worse? meh we get mad at eachother equally lol
Who does the laundry? Elise, after a few shrunken shirts i gladly have taken over
Who does the dishes? Mostly Elise, but Nick will help out if i ask
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? the right side when ur looking at it? or the right side when your laying in it??
Who pays the bills? Mostly Elise, until i mess it up and then Nick will clean up after me
Who mows the lawn? depends on if we can find someone to pay to do it for us, if not its pretty much paper rock sissors
Who cooks dinner? Elise
Who drives when you are together? We switch it up depending on our moods
Who is more stubborn? well....
Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Elise
Whose parents do you see the most? I used to see my parents all the time till they moved away, Nick prolly sees them all the same amount, birthdays and forced occasions :)
Who kissed who first? Nick kissed me first
Who asked who out? hmm, prolly ended up bein nick, well we were kinda set up at first.... long long story
Who proposed? Nick
Who is more sensitive? Elise, totally
Who has more friends? Nick knows everyone
Who has more siblings? Elise, i have 3 sibs, nick has 1 sister
Who wears the pants in the family? Nick for sure


The Pousson Family said...

Funny! I love these surveys! I'm going to send it to everyone if you don't mind...

elise blaine said...

dont mind at all :)

The Pousson Family said...

oooo love the new background - how did you do it? Ours is so lame.

Hey where were you tonight?