Sunday, April 6, 2008

Busy Week!

Last thursday my brother Jake's girlfriend and I headed up to Wisconsin to welcome home my other brother from his mission in argentina. It was a blast, we had alot of family there with him at the airport and then even more came on sunday to hear his talk and eat lots and lots of food. Its wierd to have him home, its like he never even left.... he is still pretty much the same. His first day back he got up real early and made his bed, but every other day after that he stayed up till 2 or 3 playing video games and slept in way late, back to normal lol. His excuse is that he worked everyday for 2 years and needs a vacation. lol It was a blast to be able to stay with my mom and dad for a few days, the bummer thing about wisconsin though is that you have to drive at least 30 mins to get anywhere!!! 30 mins to church, 45 mins to a mall. 30 mins to a taco bell!!! aaahhhhh lol

Then on Tuesday we crammed my car full of people and brought my family back with us to go to the Temple on Thursday!!

It was a great experience and i am so greatful to have such a wonderful family to be there with us :) all in all id say it was one of the best weeks i have ever had


Amanda J said...

Congrats on getting sealed! It looks like everything went well!

Janee said...

CONGRATS you guys! We love you!

Drew and Stormi said...

YAY for temples!! Congrats=)