Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter, n Nick's bday!

Nick's bday was at the beginning of March, but apparently his bday post gets to wait to go up till after easter lol! He got an awesome motorcycle jaket for his bday! it makes me feel a little better about him riding now, its got armor in the elbows n shoulders, back and neck. So now hes got the boots with ankle armor, the gloves with the armor in em, coat and a nice helmet.... somewhat safer, if everyone else will look out for him! :D
We colored Easter Eggs, i think we ended up with about 4 un-cracked egges lol, and they all had guns "shoots", swords, dragons, and footballs on em.... i need some more estrogen in this house, i made one egg with a flower on it :)

Cooper did great getting eggs this year! He couldnt carry his basket by himself without falling over and spilling them everywhere, but it was a valiant effort!

Wil had a blast! We all went down to my parents new house in Indiana spent the night and watched part of conference, then came home sunday afternoon. Nick rode his motorcycle the whole way down there..... The weather said it would be nice and sunny all day.. I left for Indiana at 8 am, when i got there 3 hours later it started raining, and thats when nik left our house, so nick drove half the way there in the rain, and crazy blowing winds, it ended up taking him 6 hours to get to my mom's because he stopped so much to dry off a little.... it was nuts, it didnt start raining till he was about half way there. I didnt want to follow him on his bike, he can ride it if he wants but im not going to watch lol, he said that he was glad i couldnt see him get blown all over the road, that i would of made him get off..... ugh scary,

Wil has started a chore chart about a month ago! He gets stars for doing things that he considers chores since hes 3, like making his bed, brishing his teeth, getting dressed, going potty. Hes really really great about it. He had to save up 100 stars to get the Princess and the Frog on blue ray, I kept asking him if he would rather spend 25 stars and go to mcdonalds or save them and get the movie, he always told me that he would rather have the movie!! So this pic is the night that he hit his 100 star mark and we got the movie the next day!! he was so excited, we danced around for lie 15 mins before bed time. I love that little boy, its been a great lesson for boh of us!!


Aaron and Mallorie said...

thats such a good idea!! I'll have to use that when Isabel is older!! Your such a good wife letting your husband be on the wild side, and drive a mortocycle. I wont let Aaron get near one, and part of it is that we dont have the money to buy one, so I have an advantage right now!! ahah