Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Bathroom Cheerleaders!

Yesterday, while I was doing my hair n makeup... I had an audience!

Wil came in and said "I wanna hang out with you mom!"
So he brought in a chair for himself, then Coop took it, so he brought in another one for himself!

I shut the hair dryer off and Wil says "Good Job for your hair mom!"
.... lol thanks Wil
Wil is the best at telling me how great I'm doing. We get somewhere in the car and he tells me "Good job driving mom!"
other examples... "Good job going potty mom!" "Good job doing dishes mom!"
i cant help but laugh, he will be watching nick play a video game and say "Good job 'high-yain' that guy dad!"
its great taht he notices and appreciates the little things :)

Here is my beef of this week! I have had these socks for not even a month.. and already there are huge holes in the heels.... Nick has had the same socks for like a year! and no holes.... seriously driving me crazy!! Even Wil has had the same socks for at least 9 months. at least, or longer, i think he got them before coop was born, they are a little small and no holes!!! Now i have been really careful to sand my heels and lotion them.. its not helping.
Maybe i need to take walking classes cuz maybe i walk on my heels, or turn on my heels, or something wierd....
Maybe it just shows how much more walking around in the house i do than other ppl.....
i dunno! but im tired of having holes in my socks!!
So if you see me around, take a look at how I walk, cuz thats gotta be it!!!!


Amanda J said...

Ha ha my kids do that too! Isn't it nice to have some positive comments from your kids?

Aaron and Mallorie said...

haha you might drag your feet, so that might be why you have holes on you heals, since I think most of you weight is on your heal. maybe... ahah

Janee said...

Oh my word I am cracking up right now cuz Maya does the same thing! She's always saying, "good girl mommy!". It cracks me up :)

Todd and Catie said...

Elise first your kids/my nephews are adorable...second todd has the SAME problem! all of his socks have holes in them and my mom bought him new socks for Christmas. So if you figure it our let me know I'm tired of buying socks!

Rachel said...

It is because our feet are gross and all nasty at the heels! haha, you have to file them! The todd wont go through as many socks