Wednesday, March 23, 2011

a few disney videos!

Because stupid blogger is giving me such a hard time with uplaoding photos I will put these up here for now!

This one is on our way to disney before we left! Nick went on a mission to get the pixie dust from the fairies in neverland because the magical car wont work without it and we cant see the magical kingdom with out the pixie dust!!!!!!! good thing our dad isnt afraid of pirates and is so super brave! :)

Monday, March 21, 2011

feelin good!

I've got a big long disney post going but blogger and i have been fighting about uploading pictures! stupid blogger..... but i wanted to brag about how i have hit my goal weight of 155 and then some, im down to 152... thats 23lbs lost so far, so im pushing my goal weight back to 145..... then i should prolly stop, cuz im practically 6' tall, i dont wanna look too skinny.... (is there such a thing?) I haven't weighed this much since before high school...... i was never able to break 160. I still look the same to myself in the mirror though, and am afraid to go back to eating normal, im afraid to gain it all back. and i keep hopin on the scale to make sure the numbers dont go up periodically all day long. i think i might have some sort of disorder developing, but my husband says im lookin hott, so thats what matters most.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Disney World!!!!

Disney World was a blast!!!! we were there for a whole week and it was the best week of our lives!!!! It seems like so long ago now, its been over a month so it was fun to look back and relive it in the pictures, i have about 300 but these are the best ones!!!

We went to disney on our honeymoon about 6 years ago and we said that we would never ever be those people who brought little kids to disney cuz it looked like torture!!! Well we did it, and I take it back, it was probably the best age for our kids! They didnt think that it was some money hogging tourist trap, they thought that this was really the magical kingdom where Mickey lives, and Wil really really believed that when he met the Little Einsteins that they were actually THE real little Einsteins!!! It was awesome, he was in love with everything.

While we were there Wil joined the pirates league!!! His new name is Jeramiah Canonshot. and he will tell you so when u ask him who he is.... because everything in disney is really real...... not just for fun, but he is actually a pirate now....
Which is great because the airbender thing got really old lol

Friday, March 4, 2011

i just want to appologize for the ridiculous post that last one is, omg though i think blogger doesnt like internet explorer 9 at all, it was the most frusterating thing to even upload pictures and forget about the spacing, if i tried to delete the huge gaps i would loose pictures!!! aaaahhhhhhhhhhh and we are headed to disney TOMORROW!!!!! and i got on the scale this morning and it read 155.......... whoa!! thats 20lbs lost!!! i fell like i look the same so im not sure where it came from, but the hubs says my butt looks great and that my legs dont touch together when i stand anymore, i did notice that. I said i would stop at 155 but i might just keep going until all the baby belly is gone?? who knows how long that will take, cuz its kida hangin on there!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cooper turns 2!

We will start with valentines day!! Because the day before coop's bday is Valentines day! Wil filled out his own valentines this year to hand out to his friends at play group and he did an amazing job!!!!! i gave him a list of names and he wrote them all out by himself, stuck the candy in em and sealed them up! And they were all fairly legible too!

Then we had the most awesomest play group bash!! Complete with pink hot chocolate, heart shaped sandwiches, brownies and treats! (none made by me of course, i am not that creative at all, not that cutting sandwiches into the shape of a heart is hard? my brain just never would have thought of that lol)

On Cooper's birthday he wanted KayCakes (pancakes) for breakfast! So i sprinkled them with cookie frosting sprinkles thinking it would make them yummy and pretty, but when i flipped them over the sugar just burned really fast and the pancake barely cooked...... see it back fires when i try to get creative!

We played at Castaway and had dinner there, Cooper loves to play at castaways so we had our own little family party and hang out. It was basically just us so nick and i climbed all over in the play place with them, it was a blast

We are in a pirate phase at our house with the new Jake and the Neverland Pirates show in disney!! lol and we are headed to florida on saturday and staying at the Caribbean resort which is pirate themed, and we will be turning into pirates in disney for a day, Sooo we are getting all pumped foir it and Coop got a bunch of Pirate accessories for his birthday!

Cooper also got a bunch of new books!!! Our book shelves are poorly stocked so my goal is to get lots more books!!!!! We love to read and get most of our books at the library, but i remember reading somewhere that the more books you own the better you do in life? or maybe it was the more books you have in your home when your growing up the better the job you will have when your older will be? something like that. Sooooo we want our kids to be surrounded by books!!

Then we had some yummy cake! which Coop is showing you in his mouth in this picture :)

And i am officially down with my weight into the 150's!!! i was about 158 this morning! the wii fit said 156.7....... but i think thats a little off, cuz that would put me like 20lbs down, and im just not really feeling that yet!!! but it felt great for the wii fit to say that to me, i dont even remember the last time i weighed that much, not even in high school, i have always been 160, pre baby and in high school, 160.... i should go pull out the cute black dress i wore to graduation and see if i can squeeze into it again!!!! ive been saving it